There are currently more than 2 billion WhatsApp users around the globe and rising (WhatsApp, 2020) sharing more than £1B photos and 300 million videos every single day. What’s more the number of WhatsApp users has been increasing at half a billion every two years. The massive number of WhatsApp users gives businesses great potential to interact with customers and sell their products and services. So, let’s explore how to use WhatsApp for Business with 5 great examples.
So, how can I use WhatsApp for my business?
1) Use WhatsApp for an easy and cheap customer support solution
WhatsApp is a great platform for customer support simply because of the amount of people who have the app installed on their phone. Customers prefer to send messages over WhatsApp because it is instant and passive so they don’t have to call a helpdesk number or raise a ticket. However, if you get a lot of customer support tickets then you need to look at something like Zendesk because WhatsApp is not designed solely for this purpose and organising and assigning support tickets is beyond its mission parameters. So best for super small businesses.
2) Using WhatsApp for communicating internally in your business.
Faster than email and much easier to use, people just like sending messages to each other. And it is much easier to see the conversation flow. Just install Whatsapp for desktop and you are away.
3) Using WhatsApp For customer sales
Whatsapp for Business won’t let you send unsolicited spam messages to people you don’t know. You have to send an initiation message first for that (but that is a topic for another article). But you can use it as a sales tool for potential customers in your sales pipeline. You see, Whatsapp messaging is less formal than a phone call and less intrusive. It is passive, like an email, but harder to ignore and of course, you get to see if they have read your message. Perfect for say, following up on a quotation to your potential customer where you haven’t heard from them. Send the message and give them a nudge. Even better make a template to automate this very quickly.
4) Integrate an AI bot into Whatsapp
AI chat bots are amazing. They are getting smarter and smarter all the time. Quicker, cheaper and in some cases better than your average human customer service representative. The problem is your customers don’t like them. If they see a chatbox they will ignore it unless they can really help it – even though that chatbot will probably get them the answer they need right away. Solution? Install an AI chatbot into Whatsapp. Then people will interact with it. Let it do the repetitive, donkey work and then push the enquiry over to a human when needed.
5) Creative ways to use WhatsApp For Business
WhatsApp is a terrific platform to run a service business. Ask your customers to send videos and images via WhatsApp messaging so you can diagnose a fault or build them a quote for some work in their house. Saves you actually visiting. And to make it easy to get that into estimate form then of course you can use FloQuote which will pretty much build the estimate for you. (and get 20 free estimates a month)
WhatsApp is simple to use and ubiquitous. Everyone has heard of it, almost everyone has it, so start using WhatsApp for your business to improve your business.
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